Table of Contents

  1. Zero width space
    1. Problem description
    2. Solutions:
      1. Add - (minus sign) if applicable
      2. Use zero width space
    3. WARNING!:

TODO Zero width space

Problem description

org-mode manual

Sometimes you may need to concatenate some word written with org-mode markup syntax with the one written in plain text. Leeaving no space between these two word leads to loosing emacs markup feature. Consider the example:

This word is bold ed, but you leave unwanted space between bold and ed. which is visible after export process.

This word is not =bold=ed because you leave no space between two words in org-mode, and you loose org-mode syntax.


Add - (minus sign) if applicable

It seems that adding minus sign does not intefere with org-mode syntax:

This word is bold-ed, and another one is monospace-d

Use zero width space

You can insert so-called zero width space as it is explained in You do it by typing

C-x 8 <RET> zero width space <RET>
C-x 8 <RET> 200B <RET>

With this character you can write for example


where ‘X’ denotes the zero width space character, resulting in:

[​[1,2]] or bold​ed



When using zero width space rememeber to add -interaction nonstopmode during pdflatex compilation. Otherwise you’ll get an error.

If still obtaining an errors during latex compilation it may be helpful to add to #+LATEX_HEADER.

  \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % The default since 2018