Using command line lftp for FTP connections

How to use lftp for uploading a file or a directory to your ftp account?

Below is a script based on this post.

How to upload directory with a content to your ftp server? Attention -R flag denotes that remote directory will be synchronized with the local directory (upload from local to remote). Without -R flag the direction should be the other way round (mirroring remote to local = download from remote to local)


pwd # you're in your local bash now, to be sure where exactly, check it

set ftp:ssl-force true         # this is done in order to prevent some errors
set ssl:verify-certificate no  # and warnings if your server is moody
# hash is a comment mark even in lftp connection :-)
# # pwd   # do this only when you're alone at the keyboard!!!!
          # it will show your password in the command line!!!!    
cd to/the/directory/you/want
put ../some/local_file  # to your current directory on ftp    # if you want to copy a file
mirror -R local/dir path/to/some/ftp/dir              # if you want to copy a directory

shell ftp linux