Symbolic links with relative paths


How to create symbolic link with the use of relative path? You need to use flag -s for symbolic link, and -r flag to handle relative paths.

f flag forces creating link even if the file (or the link) with the same name already is in the directory.

Here’s a code snippet:


if [ ! -d $dirname ]; then mkdir $dirname; fi
if [ ! -d $dirname/dir ]; then mkdir $dirname/dir; fi
echo "File content LOWER" > $dirname/dir/fileDOWN.txt
echo "File content UPPER" > $dirname/fileUP.txt

cd $dirname
ln -rs fileUP.txt ./dir/
ln -rs fileUP.txt ./dir/fileUPLink2.txt
cd dir
ln -rs ../fileUP.txt fileUPLink3.txt

cd .. # again in $dirname
ln -rs ./dir/fileDOWN.txt ./          # 1) This line creates links with the
                                      #     same name as line 2)
ln -rs ./dir/fileDOWN.txt ./fileDOWNLink2.txt
cd dir
ln -rs fileDOWN.txt ../fileDOWNLink3.txt
# or
ln -rfs fileDOWN.txt ../               # 2) This line creates links with the
                                       #     same name as line 1). 

# clear the mess
cd ../..  
rm -rf $dirname