TODO Smart way of changing window KDE-activity property
Problem: KDE: set window belonging to a certain KDE-activity
It’s really annoying when you have a bunch of windows opened in Plasma and you want to move them to another activity in GUI.
In the current verion of Plasma (year 2023) you can do this in a more convenient way by dragging application icon from task manager to the desired activity from the activity pane (
This post however gives hint how it can be accomplished from the command line. With the use of KDE shortcuts things can be made far more convenient.
Here’s my approach:
# actName=priv
# get id of the activity given by name
actID=$(kactivities-cli --list-activities|grep $actName|cut -d" " -f2)
# get id of the window with the focus
windowID=$(xdotool getwindowfocus)
echo $actID
echo $windowID
xprop -f _KDE_NET_WM_ACTIVITIES 8s -id $windowID -set _KDE_NET_WM_ACTIVITIES $actID
# one-line version:
# xprop -f _KDE_NET_WM_ACTIVITIES 8s -id $(xdotool getwindowfocus) -set _KDE_NET_WM_ACTIVITIES $(kactivities-cli --list-activities|grep $actName|cut -d" " -f2)
It is based on oneliner:
xprop -f _KDE_NET_WM_ACTIVITIES 8s -id $(xdotool search --onlyvisible --name Kate) -set _KDE_NET_WM_ACTIVITIES $(kactivities-cli --list-activities|grep priv|cut -d" " -f2)
Now, provided we move the above script to system path directory we can
use KDE-Plasma shortcuts and bind the with the command, for example:
bash ~/bin/ priv
Links that can be useful
kde kde-activity windows-manager