(defstruct person
;; Create instances of the person structure
(setq john (make-person :name "John" :age 25 ))
(setq alice (make-person :name "Alice" :age 30 ))
(setq bob (make-person :name "Bob" :age 45 ))
;; Build a list of person structures
(setq li (list john alice bob 1 "napis"))
(print li)
;; (setq pli (
(setq pli '("JJ" john "BB" (make-person :name "Bob" :age 45 )))
(print pli)
(plist-put pli "AA" alice)
(print pli)
(print (plist-get pli "BB"))
;; (nth 0 persons)
;; Define a simple structure using defstruct
(defstruct person
;; Create two instances of the person structure
(setq person1 (make-person :name "John" :age 30))
(setq person2 (make-person :name "Jane" :age 25))
;; Create a property list and add the person instances
(setq plist (list :person1 person1 :person2 person2))
;; Create an association list and add the person instances
(setq alist (list (cons :person1 person1) (cons :person2 person2)))
;; Retrieve items from the property list
(princ "Person 1's name from the plist is: ")
(print (person-name (plist-get plist :person1)))
(princ "Person 2's age from the plist is: ")
(print (person-age (plist-get plist :person2)))
;; Retrieve items from the association list
(princ "Person 1's name from the alist is: ")
(print (person-name (cdr (assoc :person1 alist))))
(princ "Person 2's age from the alist is: ")
(print (person-age (cdr (assoc :person2 alist))))