Table of Contents

  1. Properties in org-mode
    1. Approach 1
    2. Approach 2:
    3. Approach 3:
    4. Approach 4:
    5. Approach 5:
    6. Approach 6
    7. Idea 7
    8. Idea 8
    9. Idea 9
    10. Idea 10
    11. Useful links:

TODO Properties in org-mode

Approach 1

Given an org document, I’d like to traverse all headlines of the given level and extract the headline title, provided that:

  1. Headline title can be generated by inline source blocks that use node properties, and
  2. I don’t know beforehand what are the names of the node properties that are going to be used to generate the headline.

For example for the document given below:

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")} :this:
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} :this:
:Composer:     W.A. Mozart

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both

(defun level1-headlines-filter ()
  (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
  (setq props (org-get-entry))
  (setq string (concat headline "\n" props))
  (setq string (org-export-string-as string 'org t '(:with-toc nil)))
  (setq all (list string)))

(setq HEADLINES-PARSED (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1+this") )



HEADLINES-PARSED should contain strings:

"Section about J.S. Bach"
"Section about W.A. Moz [[file:///home/mb/org/RDITiT/PrzewodyDoktorskie/Sidor_Kamil (2023)/2.]] art"

Now the results are:

"Section about "
"Section about "

Approach 2:

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")} :this:
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} :this:
:Composer:     W.A. Mozart

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both

(defun replace-in-string (what with in)
  (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote what) with in nil 'literal))

(defun level1-headlines-filter ()
  (let (headline props)
    (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
    (setq props (org-get-entry))
    (setq string (replace-in-string "\n" ""(replace-in-string "* " "" (replace-in-string "=" "" (org-export-string-as (concat "* " headline "\n" props) 'org t '(:with-toc nil))))))

(setq HEADLINES-PARSED (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1+this") )



Approach 3:

#+MACRO: mymacro an awesome macro
#+MACRO: town Boston


* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")} from } :this:
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} and } :this:
:Composer:     W.A. Mozart

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both

  (defun replace-in-string (what with in)
    (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote what) with in nil 'literal))

  (defun level1-headlines-filter ()
    (let (headline props)
      (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
      (setq props (org-get-entry))
      (setq string 
            (replace-in-string "\n" "" 
            (replace-in-string "* " "" 
            (replace-in-string "=" "" 
              (concat "#+INCLUDE:" "\n" 
                      "* " headline "\n" props) 
              'org t '(:with-toc nil))))))

  (setq HEADLINES-PARSED (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1+this") )



Approach 4:

#+PROPERTY: global-property property Name 

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")} :this:
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} and } :this:
:Composer:     W.A. Mozart

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both

  (defun replace-in-string (what with in)
    (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote what) with in nil 'literal))

  (defun level1-headlines-filter ()
    (let (headline props)
      (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
      (setq props (org-get-entry))
      (setq string 
            (replace-in-string "\n" "" 
            (replace-in-string "* " "" 
            (replace-in-string "=" "" 
              (concat "#+INCLUDE:" "\n" 
                      "* " headline "\n" props) 
              'org t '(:with-toc nil))))))

  (setq HEADLINES-PARSED (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1+this") )



Approach 5:

:Composer: Vivaldi

:Town: New York

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")} :this:
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} from src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Town")} :this:

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both

  (defun replace-in-string (what with in)
    (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote what) with in nil 'literal))

  (defun level1-headlines-filter ()
    (let (headline props)
      (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
      (setq props (org-get-entry))
      (setq string 
            (replace-in-string "\n" "" 
            (replace-in-string "* " "" 
            (replace-in-string "=" "" 
                      "* " headline "\n" props) 
              'org t '(:with-toc nil))))))

  (setq HEADLINES-PARSED (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1+this") )


(print (org-collect-keywords '("TITLE")) )
(print (org-collect-keywords '("MYOWNKEYWORD")) )
(print (org-collect-keywords '("PROPERTY")) )

;; (print "AAA")
;; (print org-global-properties)

;; (setq p (org-element-parse-buffer))
;; (print p)

(org-collect-keywords '("MYOWNKEYWORD"))

(print (nth 1 (nth 0 (org-collect-keywords '("MYOWNKEYWORD")))))
(print (nth 1 (nth 0 (org-collect-keywords '("NEWKEY")))))
(print (nth 1 (nth 0 (org-collect-keywords '("NEWKEY") nil ""))))


Approach 6

:Composer: Vivaldi

:Town: New York

#+MACRO: dateOfMeeting 22.11.2023
#+MACRO: anotherMacro another Macro

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")} :this:
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} from src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Town")} :this:

** Subsection checking if properties included in the node above are still valid - The name of the composer: src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} <- should be here

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both
  ; tests
  (setq stri "#+MACRO: macroname value and more")
  (setq firstSpace  (string-match " " stri))
  (print firstSpace)
  (setq propName (substring stri 0 firstSpace))
  (setq propVal  (substring stri (+ firstSpace 1) (length stri) ))
  (print propName)
  (print propVal)

   (defun macros2properties (inputFile outputFile)
     ;; Parse inputFile in search of lines beginning with #+MACRO: mName mVal
     ;; and transform them into property lines: :mName: mVal
     ;; in the outputFile

     (setq splitPos 0) ;; cursor position of split, for each line
     (setq restLine "")
     (setq moreLines t )

     ;; open the file
     (find-file inputFile)
     (goto-char (point-min)) ;; needed in case the file is already open.

     (find-file outputFile)
     (kill-buffer (current-buffer))

     (while moreLines
       (search-forward "#+MACRO: ")

       (setq splitPos (1- (point)))
       (setq fName (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) splitPos))

       (setq restLine (string-trim (buffer-substring-no-properties splitPos (point) )))

       (setq firstSpace  (string-match " " restLine))
       (print firstSpace)
       (setq propName (substring restLine 0 firstSpace))
       (setq propVal  (substring restLine (+ firstSpace 1) (length restLine) ))

       ;; ;; create the file
       (find-file outputFile)
       (setq outString/property (concat ":" propName ": " propVal "\n"  ) )
       (insert outString/property)

       (kill-buffer (current-buffer))

       (setq moreLines (= 0 (forward-line 1)))

  (defun replace-in-string (what with in)
    (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote what) with in nil 'literal))

  (defun level1-headlines-filter ()
    (let (headline props)
      (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
      (setq props (org-get-entry))
      (setq string 
            (replace-in-string "\n" "" 
            (replace-in-string "* " "" 
            (replace-in-string "=" "" 
                      "* " headline "\n" props) 
              'org t '(:with-toc nil))))))

  (setq HEADLINES-PARSED (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1+this") )


  (macros2properties "./" "./")

;; (setq aa "string")
;; (insert (concat ":" aa ":"))


Idea 7

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} from src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Town")} :this:
:Composer: value1
:Town: value2

** Subsection checking if properties included in the node above are still valid - The name of the composer: src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} <- should be here

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both
  ; tests

Idea 8

org-mode exporting macros

#+MACRO: mymacro 12 cat 23

  * Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} from src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Town")} :this:
  :Composer: value1
  :Town: value2

  ** Subsection checking if properties included in the node above are still valid - The name of the composer: src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} <- should be here

  * Code
  #+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both
    ; tests

Idea 9



* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")} from } :this:
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} and } :this:
:Composer:     W.A. Mozart

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both

    (defun replace-in-string (what with in)
      (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote what) with in nil 'literal))

    (defun remove-text-up-to-asterisk (text)
      "Remove text from the beginning of the line to the first asterisk."
      (when (string-match "\\*" text)
        (setq text (substring text (match-end 0))))

    (defun level1-headlines-filter ()
      (let (headline props)
        (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
        (setq props (org-get-entry))
        (setq string 
              (string-trim ;replace-in-string "\n" "" 
                ;(replace-in-string "* " "" 
                (replace-in-string "=" "" 
                  (concat "#+INCLUDE:" "\n" 
                          "* " headline "\n" props) 
                  'org t '(:with-toc nil)))))) ;)

      (setq HEADLINES-PARSED (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1+this") )

      (print HEADLINES-PARSED)


Idea 10

Globalne wlasnosci

#+MACRO: AnotherComposer Vivaldi

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")} from } :this:
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Composer")} and } :this:
:Composer:     W.A. Mozart

* Code
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both

   (defun replace-in-string (what with in)
        (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote what) with in nil 'literal))

   (defun remove-text-up-to-asterisk (text)
        "Remove text from the beginning of the line to the first asterisk."
        (when (string-match "\\*" text)
          (setq text (substring text (match-end 0))))

   (defun level1-headlines-filter ()
        (let (headline props)
          (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
          (setq props (org-get-entry))
          (setq string 
                (string-trim ;replace-in-string "\n" "" 
                  ;(replace-in-string "* " "" 
                  (replace-in-string "=" "" 
                    (concat "#+INCLUDE:" "\n" 
                            "* " headline "\n" props) 
                    'org t '(:with-toc nil)))))) ;)

        (setq HEADLINES-PARSED (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1+this") )

        (print HEADLINES-PARSED)

   (org-entry-get (org-element-at-point) "AnotherComposer")

* Example
:hellomessage: hello

#+NAME: get_property
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :var prop=""
        (org-entry-get nil prop t)
#+RESULTS: get_property

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
        (print "<<get_property("hellomessage")>>")

: hello

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
        (print "<<get_property("AnotherComposer")>>")

: Vivaldi

A tu przykład użycia inline:
src_elisp[:noweb yes]{(print "<<get_property("AnotherComposer")>>")}