Table of Contents

  1. Properties in org-mode
    1. Properties in org-mode
      1. Problem - the beggining
    2. Useful links:

TODO Properties in org-mode

Properties in org-mode

Problem - the beggining

Let’s say we’ve got the following org file

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")}
:Name:     J.S. Bach

* Section about src_elisp{(org-entry-get nil "Name")}
:Name:     W.A. Mozart

#+begin_src elisp :eval yes :results output :exports both

 (defun level1-headlines-filter ()
  (setq headline (org-entry-get nil "ITEM"))
  (setq allHeadlines (list headline) )    

(setq level1-headlines (org-map-entries #'level1-headlines-filter "LEVEL=1") )

(defun my-export ()
  (while level1-headlines
    (setq tytul (nth 0 (car level1-headlines)) )
    (print (concat "\n- " tytul  ))

    (setq level1-headlines (cdr level1-headlines)))
  (print "\n " )

(print level1-headlines)


(("}") ("COMMENT Solution") ("Useful links:"))