Table of Contents

  1. Octave and org-babel
    1. How to get the functionality of showing octave figures like in GUI

Octave and org-babel

How to get the functionality of showing octave figures like in GUI

Running plot command without starting session, ends up in closing figure window before anything is shown - Octave closess immediately.

close all
h = figure,
plot([0 1], [0 1])

On the other hand, when the block is run in the context of some session like below

h = figure,
plot([0 1], [0 1])

it is impossible to close the figure window with ‘X’ button,

The circumvent for this bug can be

close all
h = figure,
plot([0 1], [0 1])

but, this way or another, the last figure will last until close command is not run from octave command line. If the session is killed the figure still remains opened.