TODO Sourcing inline code blocks within the context of the named sessions in org-mode

TODO Todos:

This post needs some amendments. In the free time I need to think why exporting of all org blocks does not work when exporting to pdf while it works when exporting to html. Besides, while exporting the last block of inline code, it does not show the same result as the result that is evaluated in Emacs buffer!

How to include inline source blocks in org-babel

When working in org-mode org-babel you can stumble upon a problem when including inline blocks that should be run in the context of a certain session.

Consider the following examples of the simplest inline sourcing:

Named sessions and inline source blocks

However when the inline code is meant to be executed in the context of some session the opposite is true!

a = 4
b = 3

Python source blocks

Another possible point of problems is inappropriate drawers description. Take for example the following pieces of code:

  1. Code 1

    #+begin_src python :session *py_e* :tangle (concat (org-entry-get nil "PRJ-DIR" t) "") :mkdirp yes :exports code :exports results :wrap export latex :eval yes :results both
    # initialize session
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(1, '/home/mb/.emacs.d/myarch/')
    from pythonscripts4emacs import *
    a = 5
    Now call python inline:
    a plus 2 is src_python[:session *py_e*]{x = 2; (x+a)} }
  2. Code 2

    #+begin_src python :session *py_e* :tangle (concat (org-entry-get nil "PRJ-DIR" t) "") :mkdirp yes :exports code :exports yes :wrap export latex :eval yes :results both
    # initialize session
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(1, '/home/mb/.emacs.d/myarch/')
    from pythonscripts4emacs import *
    a = 5
    Now call python inline:
    a plus 2 is src_python[:session *py_e*]{x = 2; (x+a)} }

In the first example everything is ok and the inline invoking of python code in the expected result.

However in the second example drawer exports was described inappropriately (exports can take the following values: none, both, code, results). This inappropriate word causes that inline invoking of python gives no results!!!

org org-mode org-babel org-babel-session